Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I did it!!!!

October 21, 2008
Thank you so very much for your support in this marathon! I am so blessed with amazing friends and family! Thanks to you, Team in Training raised more than $18 million at the Nike Women's Marathon last weekend. To date, Team in Training has raised $800 million dollars for research. Thank you for your tremendous help in fighting blood cancers! The marathon in San Francisco was overwhelming. It was a lot more emotional than I anticipated! I wogged (walk-jogged) my way through 13.1 miles of gorgeous, and hilly, terrain of San Francisco. I finished in 2:56. (My goal was to finish in 3 hours so I am happy with my time!). Out of 10,939 half marathon runners I ranked 6,497 – not too shabby for the first marathon! I cannot even begin to explain to you the greatest feeling of finishing! At the end of the race San Francisco firemen were lined up in suits to pass out Tiffany’s necklaces. This is one necklace that I really earned! Finishing was momentous, but the part I really enjoyed was the stories of others. During the run one lady was holding a sign with a picture of her daughter who died from leukemia, she turned to me and said “thank you.” It was a humbling interaction, as if I did anything to help her! There were so many stories like this throughout the entire weekend. Needless to say I pretty much held back tears the entire time (well except when I finished and broke down in tears)! This marathon has been quite an emotional experience for me. It began as a get in shape goal and turned into something much bigger than myself. I love how it evolved into an eye opening experience; I had no idea before this journey how widespread blood related cancer is. In light of these people it was easy to do my small physical part to help another in need. I am so blessed with health that I feel honored to run on behalf of someone who is not as blessed. I feel honored, fortunate and touched that I have support from amazing people such as you! I discovered a lot about myself in these 5 months. I especially realized that running is not going to be my sport of choice! Sadly, I do not believe that this running thing is for me! Though, I am glad that I am able to check this list off of my goal of “things to accomplish before I die.” Time to create a new goal!
Thank you again for all of the supportive words, sentiments, prayers and financial sacrifices you made in order to help another. May God richly bless you. THANK YOU! YOU ROCK!!!!
Love and thanks,

Laura Miller

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August update

August 20, 2008
Hello all!

Since I wrote you last things have changed a bit in the running world of Laura. Running is going well. Don't hate me, but I decided to run the half marathon (13.1 miles). I was having nightmares about running 26.2 miles. I think it was a bit irrational to be so stressed out so much but that is okay! I have learned I have limitations. Mostly I didn’t want to let those down who are supporting me financially. Then I realized it isn’t really me you are supporting, but this amazing organization that is battling leukemia and lymphoma. I am really amazed by two major things in this process. I am amazed at how God made the human body and how if you really push yourself, then you can accomplish large hurdles. Though I am running the half, it is still pretty intense training. I am up to running about 5-6 miles per day. (Actually I should be out running right now, but I am choosing the easy route of updating you on my status!) Secondly, I am amazed at how many people are battling a blood cancer or know of a loved one who is battling cancer. I have never been involved with an organization where I am so blown away by the experiences people share with me. This is cause so outside of myself, I am baffled by this ravenous disease. One woman just shared with me how her friend was diagnosed with what she though was a cold, and then found out it was Hodgkin’s, and died 4 days later. Alternately, my cousin told me an amazing story of her best friend’s son who was diagnosed with leukemia but was able to get the proper care and has been in recovery for many years now. I am really amazed by these stories of despair and triumph. It is something I find myself actually proud to be a part of helping to aid. So I am willing to be the vessel if that means a few less people have to suffer! I am grateful I am so fortunate and healthy!
I am encouraged by what financial support can do to for these who are suffering. Research and helping people become informed and correctly diagnosed and medicated so they can go on to live happy fulfilling lives. Thanks to your help and support I am about $800 away from the financial support goal. This still seems like a large amount, but that also means through your care and kindness, I have raised $2100 for cancer research which is pretty amazing. 75% of the funds spent by the Society go directly to fund research and patient services. We had a yard sale this past weekend and raised $250 (which I have been told is a lot for a one day yard sale. Pictures soon to follow). There is still time to donate. In the earlier letter I posted the deadline of August 1, this was the halfway mark. In order to continue, I needed to have 25% of the money fundraised by August (and thank you for making that happen!). I now have until October 10th to get the remainder of the money in. I have included the website again to donate quickly online and receive an automatic tax receipt (all donations are 100% tax deductible). If you should choose to mail in your support please print out the form and mail it to the address below.
This is the website which shows the course I will be running. Feel free to come up to San Francisco and join in the marathon! Either running a few miles with me or cheering along from the sidelines!

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement!
Laura Miller

Laura Miller - TNT Volunteer

2310 Santa Ana, Unit I

Costa Mesa, CA 92627

949-680-7893 cell

To Donate Online:

Federal Tax Deductible ID # 13-5644916

Please make all checks out to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society or simply “LLS”

Friday, July 4, 2008

help me!!!!

Thank you for your support. I am about 25% fundraised. I have a while to go! Please consider making a contribution! I only have until August!

furthest I have gone in my running practice

This is the longest I have ran so far!

running chart!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

run, run, run, run

I usually run around and have all of these astounding, deep philosophical revelations and observations, but then I forget to write them down. I will try to do better with expounding upon my contemplations. This is a bit of what I am thinking about -

God created an amazing machine when he created the human body. It is fascinating how it can be pushed and what the body can do. 4 weeks ago I could not run half a mile. Somehow I have worked my way up to 5 miles, one day I even ran 6 miles!! Crazy to me that I am able to do this. I may even be able to complete the full marathon.

It is also fascinating the people I encounter on my little jogs. There are 2 distinct types of people. I am a very smiley person and I usually smile and say hello to everyone. I usually get 1 of 2 reactions – I either get a very confused look away, or a polite smile and hello back. One adorable old man tipped his hat and let me pass. It makes me sad that there is not so much chivalry here in Orange County.

This training is teaching me that I cannot be in control of everything. I want to have all of the fundraiser money instantaneously, I want to be 20 pounds lighter instantaneously, I want to be an amazing jogger instantaneously. But I suppose I have to be patient and work up the endurance for it. These things all will come, I will have to work on patience. I am being forced to work on patience. It is a good thing.

I guess that is all I have for now. SPONSER ME!!!!!!

Thanks for reading.


Thursday, June 5, 2008


okay one more thing, this is the fundraiser website, it is exciting to see the little needle go higher!! (hint hint)

The purpose of this...

I am going to use this blog spot to whine, complain, celebrate, discuss, boast, (etcetera, you get the point!) about my journey. Please write back and dialogue with me!
Thank you so much for being amazing!!
Laura Miller

I am running

Hi Friend,
Ok, I think I’ve done something that even I think is crazy—I signed up to run a marathon to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society through Team In Training. Yep, I said marathon. I think the stress of the school year is getting to me…I’ve never run more than 2 miles in my life, and now I’m going to train to run 26.2 miles! Keep in mind that I am a girl who received a “D” in PE class freshman year for refusing to run (oh the irony!).

What on earth would possess me to attempt this? I joined an organization called The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I will be training with with a group known as Team In Training (TNT) which is the world's largest endurance sports training program. In exchange for training and support, it is my primary focus to raise money towards cures for blood cancers including leukemia, Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins lymphoma and myeloma.

In my commitment to Team In Training, I will be competing in the Nike Women's Marathon and Half Marathon in San Francisco, on October 19, 2008—that’s 26.2 miles! As a member of the TEAM I have promised to raise $2,900 to help research and fund patient care in the fight against cancer.

Wish me luck…I’ll need it!