Tuesday, June 17, 2008

run, run, run, run

I usually run around and have all of these astounding, deep philosophical revelations and observations, but then I forget to write them down. I will try to do better with expounding upon my contemplations. This is a bit of what I am thinking about -

God created an amazing machine when he created the human body. It is fascinating how it can be pushed and what the body can do. 4 weeks ago I could not run half a mile. Somehow I have worked my way up to 5 miles, one day I even ran 6 miles!! Crazy to me that I am able to do this. I may even be able to complete the full marathon.

It is also fascinating the people I encounter on my little jogs. There are 2 distinct types of people. I am a very smiley person and I usually smile and say hello to everyone. I usually get 1 of 2 reactions – I either get a very confused look away, or a polite smile and hello back. One adorable old man tipped his hat and let me pass. It makes me sad that there is not so much chivalry here in Orange County.

This training is teaching me that I cannot be in control of everything. I want to have all of the fundraiser money instantaneously, I want to be 20 pounds lighter instantaneously, I want to be an amazing jogger instantaneously. But I suppose I have to be patient and work up the endurance for it. These things all will come, I will have to work on patience. I am being forced to work on patience. It is a good thing.

I guess that is all I have for now. SPONSER ME!!!!!!

Thanks for reading.




Markchop said...

I am going to be the old man who tips his hat!!

I love the "wogging" definition, when i use it i'll give you props!

Karey Michelle said...

keep it up girl!